As a matter of policy, the State of Delaware has determined that the responsible utilization and the growth of the captive insurance industry in the State of Delaware are in the best interests of this State.
Pursuant to this policy, the Bureau of Captive and Financial Insurance Products:
To ensure reliable insurance coverage at reasonable rates for Delaware consumers, the bureau:
To reduce the cost of insurance fraud to consumers, the Bureau:
To ensure competency and ethical conduct by insurance agents, brokers, limited agents, adjusters, appraisers, and consultants, the Division:
The Rates/Forms Division is responsible for reviewing and regulating insurance contracts and rate filings. As each filing is received, it is reviewed in order to determine compliance with applicable actuarial standards, statutory provisions, and regulations. Of most importance is assuring that the rates are not inadequate, excessive or unfairly discriminatory.
Each Health Rate Filing will be posted on the Department’s website. Public comment regarding a specific filing may be sent to the DOI for a period of 7 days following the posting of the rate filing.
Information on companies in receivership.
Delaware Medicare Assistance Bureau (DMAB), formerly known as ELDERinfo, is Delaware’s State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP). DMAB provides information, counseling and assistance to people with Medicare on health insurance matters.
Promotes safety in the workplace and provides lower workers compensation insurance premiums for qualifying employers conducting business within the State of Delaware. With cooperation with the Delaware Compensating Rating Bureau, the Insurance Department determines eligibility of employers and establishes inspection procedures for a premium discount under the program.
Related Topics: Department of Insurance, Divisions, DOI, insurance, Insurance Commissioner, Programs