The ATTORNEY GENERAL has filed a motion before the INSURANCE COMMISSIONER requesting party status and the payment of the fees and cost of the Attorney Generals expert witnesses in the matter of the acquisition of BCBSD, INC. by WELLPOINT HEALTH NETWORKS, INC., Docket No. 2002-01.
The Honorable Vincent A. Bifferato, Sr., Hearing Officer, will conduct a hearing on the motion on Thursday, June 6, 2002, 9:30 a.m., in the Conference Room of the Insurance Commissioner, 5th Floor, Carvel State Office Building, 820 North French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801.
The hearing will be conducted in accordance with the Delaware Administrative Procedures Act 29 Del. C. Chapter 101 and is limited to the matters raised in the application.
DATED: May 10, 2002